De la mérida desarticulada: 1958-2012 Hacia el reto intergeneracional: Mérida sostenible sustentable 2012-2058 Una propuesta: Mérida Ciudad Educativa-Ciudad Parque
From Mérida Disjointed: 1958-2012 To The Generations Challenge: Merida Sustainable: 2012-2058 Proposal for a Learning Society-City and a Park City
From its colonial layout and Republican sprawl, urban planning is discussed in Merida, with its network of publicspaces, streets and squares, identifying the major institutions in 1945, from which time the runway is enabled. Th eurban layout widens towards the southwest and northwest and west terrace (La Otra Banda) Albarregas beyond. Th efi rst neighborhoods and developments with other aspects appear initiate an urban dislocation. From the 60s withoutorder or plan the city expands into Parish and La Otra Banda, and since 1980 is a metropolitan area to beyond theChama River including Tabay, Ejido and in surrounding municipalities. In its expansion grew concentrically without suffi cient equipment services, downtowns, civic, which led to the saturation of the central hull suff ered increasingly deteriorating in a chaotic urban socio-
environmental. A reference to urban planning and Mérida in Venezuela becomes fi rst to 1958 and then to 2012.From there guidelines are formulated to articulate again in sustainable-city to short, medium or long term,until 2058, when its 500 years of its foundation. Decongestion and rescue old town, an urban decentralization civiccenters-places-community centers, under the concept of Education City and multiple aspects related to a comprehensiveproposal for active peace culture, citizenship Eco-centric development is proposed in the city and metropolitanregion framework, rescuing the Cerro de las Flores and trolcable doing for an urban ecological connectivity betweenLa Pedregosa y La Hechicera.
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