Hacia una delineacion de los rasgos de los grupos de investigacion academica: cotejamiento centro-periferia

José Ernesto Torres Padilla



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Andrews, Frank M. (1979a). “The International Study: its data sources and measurement procedures”,en Frank M. Andrews (Ed.), Scientific productivity. The effectiveness of research groups in six countries, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge y la Organización Educacional, Cientifica y Cultural de las Naciones Unidas, Paris, pp. 17-52. Andrews, Frank M. (1979b). “Motivation, diversity, and performance of research units”, en Frank M. Andrews, op. cit., pp. 253-289. Kowaleska, Salomea (1979). “Patterns of influence and the performance of research units”, en Frank M. Andrews (Ed.), op. cit. pp. 169-198. Knorr, Karin D., Roland Mittermeir, Georg Aichholzer y George Waller (1979): “Leadership and group performance: a positive relationship on academic research units”, in Frank M. Andrews (Ed.), op. cit., pp. 95120. Stolte-Heiskanen, Veronica (1979). “Externally determined resources and the effectiveness of research units”, en Frank M. Andrews (Ed.), op. cit., pp. 121-153. Stankiewcz, Rikard (1976). “Research Groups and the Academic Research Organization”, Sociologycal Forksning, 2:30-32. Stankiewcz, Rikard (1979a). “The size and age of Swedish academic research groups and their scientific performance”, en Frank M. Andrews (Ed.), op. cit., pp. 191-222. Stankiewcz, Rikard (1979b). “The Effects of Leadership on the relationship between the Size of Research Groups and their Scientific Performance” Offprint Series Nº 28, Reimpreso de R D Management 9, Edición Especial. Stankiewcz, Rikard (1980). Leadership the Performance of Research Groups, Research Policy Institute, University of Lund, Lund. Visart, Nicole (1979). “Communication between and within research units”, Frank M. Andrews (Ed.), op. cit., pp. 223-252.

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