Solid Solubility of TaTe in the ternary CuInTe2 chalcopyrite compound

Sonia del V. Durán P., Pedro Grima Gallardo, Marcos A. Muñoz P., Miguel A. Quintero T., Eugenio Quintero Angel, Manuel J. Morocoima, Flor Guerrero, Gerzon Delgado, Héctor Ramón Romero Montesinos


Polycrystalline samples of (CuInTe2)1-x(TaTe)x(0 ≤ x ≤ 1) alloy system prepared by the usual melt and anneal technique have been studied by x-ray diffraction technique and lattice parameters were obtained. The analysis of the results using x-ray diffraction shows a single phase behavior in the composition range 0 ≤ x ≤ 2/3 and was indexed as a chalcopyrite-like structure. Another unknown phase is observed together with the chalcopyrite-like phase between 2/3 and 3/4.

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