El problema de los géneros literarios tardoantiguos: el caso de cupido cruciatur de Ausonio
Tradicionalmente los abordajes histórico-literarios sobre los textos tardíos calificaron aestos como decadentes por el hecho de apartarse de los cánones retóricos antiguos. La supuesta falta de creatividad se la relacionaba con la tendencia a la imitación de losautores clásicos, los cuales eran considerados modelos por las escuelas de gramática y retórica. No obstante fueron estas instituciones las que funcionaron como talleres literarios donde se renovaron y resignificaron los moldes del pasado. Décimo Ausonio fue uno de esos maestros que no solo continuó la tradición sino queatravesó sus límites para emular a los clásicos. En consecuencia el maestro aquitano será el objeto de nuestra mirada para analizar los modos en que amplió el discurso épicoen su poema Cupido cruciatur, reformulando los principios de la preceptiva genéricapara crear un producto iconográfico, de cierto carácter simbólico, a través de ladescripción y la ekphrasis.
The Problem Of Literary Genres Nn Late Antiquity: The Case of Cupido Cruciatur of Ausonius
Traditionally historical and literary approaches on these late texts described as decadentby the fact depart from the ancient rhetorical canons. The supposed lack of creativity isrelated to the tendency to imitation of the classics, which were considered models forschools of Grammar and Rhetoric. But were these institutions that functioned as literary work shops where resignified and renewed the molds of the past. Decimus Ausonius was one of those teachers who not only continued the tradition whonot only continued the tradition but he crossed its limits to emulate the Classics.Consequently the teacher aquitanus will the object of our gaze to analyze the ways inwhich the epic speech extended in his poem Cupidus cuciatur, reformulating theprinciples of the generic precepts to create an iconographic product, of certain symboliccharacter, across the description and the ekphrasis.
The Problem Of Literary Genres Nn Late Antiquity: The Case of Cupido Cruciatur of Ausonius
Traditionally historical and literary approaches on these late texts described as decadentby the fact depart from the ancient rhetorical canons. The supposed lack of creativity isrelated to the tendency to imitation of the classics, which were considered models forschools of Grammar and Rhetoric. But were these institutions that functioned as literary work shops where resignified and renewed the molds of the past. Decimus Ausonius was one of those teachers who not only continued the tradition whonot only continued the tradition but he crossed its limits to emulate the Classics.Consequently the teacher aquitanus will the object of our gaze to analyze the ways inwhich the epic speech extended in his poem Cupidus cuciatur, reformulating theprinciples of the generic precepts to create an iconographic product, of certain symboliccharacter, across the description and the ekphrasis.
Palabras clave
Antigüedad Tardía; imitación; épica; ekphrasis; Ausonio; Late Antiquity; imitation; epic; ekphrasis; Ausonius
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