El concepto platónico de pístis en República VI y X y en Gorgias
La línea dividida, que Platón introduce hacia el final del libro VI de la República, esprobablemente, junto con la caverna, uno de los pasajes del corpus que ha sido y siguesiendo objeto de trivialización. Ya en la Antigüedad despertó interés, como lo ponen demanifiesto Plutarco y Proclo, quienes se ocupan de ella, pero poniendo el acento enciertos y determinados aspectos. Desde entonces hasta ahora, la interpretación generalde esa imagen es uno de los puntos más discutidos y sobre los que ha habido diversidadde opiniones, sobre todo en lo que toca al segmento superior. Me detendré en la seccióninferior, donde Platón establece una diferencia entre dos modalidades de la dóxa -eikasía y pístis- que correlaciona con dos tipos de objetos. Mi propósito es examinar especialmente el concepto de pístis, y analizar su funcionalidad en la imagen de la línea(y cuando se la retoma en la caverna) por contraste con la eikasía. Asimismo intentarémostrar cómo y por qué Platón la encara de modo diferente en otros contextos,particularmente en el libro X de la República y en el Gorgias, para concluir sugiriendolos puntos de contacto en la consideración de la pístis en los tres textos analizados.
The concept of pistis in Plato's Republic VI and X and in Gorgias
The image of the divided line that Plato introduced towards the end of Book VI of theRepublic, along with the one of the cave, is one of the passages in the corpus that mostoften has been the subject of trivialization. Even in Antiquity it had already piqued theinterest of philosophers such as Plutarch and Proclus, albeit with a specific focus. Fromthen on, the general interpretation of that image is among the most widely discussed inscholarship, and it has given rise to a broad diversity of opinions –particularly about theupper segment. I want to focus on the lower section, where Plato distinguishes between two types of doxa -eikasia and pistis-, that he correlates with two types of objects. Mypurpose is to examine the concept of pistis, and analyze its functionality in the image ofthe line (and when it is resumed in the cave) and its relation to the eikasia. I will also tryto show how and why Plato faces the question differently in other contexts, particularlyin Book X of the Republic and in the Gorgias. My conclusion will suggest that a fewcommon points on pistis can be derived from in the three texts analyzed here.Key words: Plato- Republic- Gorgias- pistis- eikasia.
The concept of pistis in Plato's Republic VI and X and in Gorgias
The image of the divided line that Plato introduced towards the end of Book VI of theRepublic, along with the one of the cave, is one of the passages in the corpus that mostoften has been the subject of trivialization. Even in Antiquity it had already piqued theinterest of philosophers such as Plutarch and Proclus, albeit with a specific focus. Fromthen on, the general interpretation of that image is among the most widely discussed inscholarship, and it has given rise to a broad diversity of opinions –particularly about theupper segment. I want to focus on the lower section, where Plato distinguishes between two types of doxa -eikasia and pistis-, that he correlates with two types of objects. Mypurpose is to examine the concept of pistis, and analyze its functionality in the image ofthe line (and when it is resumed in the cave) and its relation to the eikasia. I will also tryto show how and why Plato faces the question differently in other contexts, particularlyin Book X of the Republic and in the Gorgias. My conclusion will suggest that a fewcommon points on pistis can be derived from in the three texts analyzed here.Key words: Plato- Republic- Gorgias- pistis- eikasia.
Palabras clave
Platón; República; Gorgias; pístis; eikasía; Plato; Republic; Gorgias; pistis; eikasia
Texto completo:
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