Using GIS for delimitation of areas with homogeneous climate for wildfire study in eucalyptus plantations

Fernando Coelho Eugenio, Alexandre Rosa Dos Santos, Beatriz Duguy Pedra, José Eduardo Macedo Pezzopane, Lima Deleon Martins, Cássio Carlette Thiengo


This work aims at carrying out a case study about the methodology towards the delimitation of areas with a homogeneous climate in eucalyptus plantations for wildfire studies. For a better understanding of the methodologies used, the investigation was divided into six stages: 1) definition of the study area and data preparation; 2)calculation of the water balance; 3) hierarchical grouping analysis; 4) validation of the hierarchical grouping; 5) spatialization of the climatic classification through the area of coverage of the grouped stations and 6) analysis of the wildfire regime, time regime and space regime. The analysis of the results allowed to verify that there are three different climatic subzones, which generate three different wildfire regimes.

Palabras clave

geotechnolgy; forest fire; statistics; Brazil

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