Manejo de pacientes con diversidad funcional en el ámbito odontológico
INTRODUCCIÓN. La diversidad funcional incluye a aquellas personas que presenta una condición que lo aleja de la normalidad, seade orden físico, mental o sensorial, así como de comportamientos que requieren atención especial. Se realizó una revisión sistemáticaacerca del manejo de pacientes con diversidad funcional en el ámbito odontológico con el objetivo de sintetizar, con base en laliteratura, las estrategias convencionales y alternativas que son utilizadas al atender a este tipo de pacientes. DESARROLLO. Losmétodos convencionales del tratamiento odontológico no se modifican al atender pacientes con diversidad funcional, sólo se empleaun manejo diferente para establecer una relación odontólogo-paciente más efectiva. Las diversidades funcionales intelectuales(autismo, síndrome de Down y diversidad funcional intelectual) pueden ser manejadas en el consultorio odontológico mediantemusicoterapia, técnicas restrictivas y anestesia general, siendo ésta última empleada sólo en pacientes con autismo y diversidadfuncional intelectual. Las diversidades funcionales sensoriales (sordera y ceguera) requieren el empleo de estrategias para mejorar lacomunicación, utilizando lengua de señas, escritura, uso del braille, lectura de labios y estimulando la sensopercepción de la vista,tacto y oído del paciente. CONCLUSIÓN. Para realizar los tratamientos odontológicos de forma efectiva a pacientes con diversidadfuncional, se debe emplear la estrategia adecuada a la condición que éste presente. Se recomienda realizar más estudios acerca de cadaestrategia utilizada en pacientes con diversidad funcional para determinar su efectividad.
Management of dental patients with functional diversity
INTRODUCTION. A person with functional diversity is the one presenting signs and symptoms that are far from normal, those maybe physical, mental or sensory, and behavioral, requiring special attention. We conducted a systematic review on the management ofpatients with functional diversity in the dental office in order to synthesize, based on the literature, the conventional and alternativestrategies that are used to treat patients with some form of functional diversity. DEVELOPMENT. Conventional methods of dentaltreatment are not modified to treat patients with functional diversity; just a different management approach is used to establish thedentist-patient relationship. Intellectual functional diversity patients (autism, Down syndrome and intellectual functional diversity) canbe handled in the dental office through music therapy, restrictive techniques and general anesthesia, the latter being used only inpatients with autism and intellectual functional diversity in dental treatments demanding it. Sensorial functional diversity patients(deafness and blindness) require the use of strategies to improve communication by using sign language, written language, braille,speech reading and stimulating sensory perception of touch and patient's ear. CONCLUSION. In order to perform effective dentaltreatments to patients with functional diversity the dentist must employ the appropriate strategy for the specific condition.
Management of dental patients with functional diversity
INTRODUCTION. A person with functional diversity is the one presenting signs and symptoms that are far from normal, those maybe physical, mental or sensory, and behavioral, requiring special attention. We conducted a systematic review on the management ofpatients with functional diversity in the dental office in order to synthesize, based on the literature, the conventional and alternativestrategies that are used to treat patients with some form of functional diversity. DEVELOPMENT. Conventional methods of dentaltreatment are not modified to treat patients with functional diversity; just a different management approach is used to establish thedentist-patient relationship. Intellectual functional diversity patients (autism, Down syndrome and intellectual functional diversity) canbe handled in the dental office through music therapy, restrictive techniques and general anesthesia, the latter being used only inpatients with autism and intellectual functional diversity in dental treatments demanding it. Sensorial functional diversity patients(deafness and blindness) require the use of strategies to improve communication by using sign language, written language, braille,speech reading and stimulating sensory perception of touch and patient's ear. CONCLUSION. In order to perform effective dentaltreatments to patients with functional diversity the dentist must employ the appropriate strategy for the specific condition.
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