El problema de la observabilidad y la inobservabilidad en la contabilidad
Lo observable y lo no observable se ha constituido en un tema de la filosofía en las diferentes épocas de la historia. La relación coexistente entre el hombre y lo que le rodea ha sido una preocupación latente para pensadores e investigadores del proceso de conocer. Es importante destacar la imposibilidad en cuanto a establecer una línea de demarcación entre lo observable y lo no observable. En la contabilidad esta consideración resulta un objeto de estudio de transcendencia, por evidenciar en su contenido un sistema de conocimientos regido por esquemas de pensamiento cuyo fundamento para cada momento de la historia ha sido la estructuración de una serie de principios y de modelos que lo explican. A la luz de estas consideraciones, los objetivos que se desean alcanzar con la presente reflexión, se traducen en examinar el estatus filosófico del paso de la observabilidad a la inobservabilidad y en valorar el trascender del concepto de inobservabilidad al de observabilidad con base en algunas teorías de revelación de la inmaterialidad o intangibilidad en contabilidad. Para ello se recurre a la metodología sustentada en un paradigma cualitativo, realizando un análisis en contenido y en profundidad, de las teorías relativas a la observabilidad e inmaterialidad. La principal conclusión se sintetiza en que, la contabilidad ha estado sometida a un proceso permanente de composición, realización y construcción, bajo el cual ha tenido que trascender de lo observable a lo inobservable.
Palabras clave: estatus, filosofía, teorías, contabilidad, observabilidad, intangibilidad.
The problem of the obser vabilidad and the inobser vabilidad in the accounting
The observable and unobservable has become a subject of philosophy in different periods of history. Coexisting relationship between man and his surroundings has been a latent concern for thinkers and researchers in the process of knowing. Importantly, the failure in establishing a demarcation line between observable and unobservable. In accounting this consideration is an object of study of transcendence, to demonstrate their content knowledge system governed by patterns of thought whose rationale for each moment of history has been the structuring of a set of principles and models that explain. In light of these considerations, the objectives to be achieved with this reflection, result in consideration of the philosophical status of the transition from the unobservability observability and value the concept of unobservability beyond that of observability based on some theories Disclosure of the immateriality or intangibility in accounting. This is done to the methodology based on a qualitative paradigm, analyzing content and depth of theories concerning the observability and immateriality. The main conclusion is synthesized in which accounting has been subject to an ongoing process of composition, performance and construction, under which it has had to go beyond what is observable to the unobservable.
Key words: status, philosophy, theories, accounting, observability, intangibility.
Palabras clave: estatus, filosofía, teorías, contabilidad, observabilidad, intangibilidad.
The problem of the obser vabilidad and the inobser vabilidad in the accounting
The observable and unobservable has become a subject of philosophy in different periods of history. Coexisting relationship between man and his surroundings has been a latent concern for thinkers and researchers in the process of knowing. Importantly, the failure in establishing a demarcation line between observable and unobservable. In accounting this consideration is an object of study of transcendence, to demonstrate their content knowledge system governed by patterns of thought whose rationale for each moment of history has been the structuring of a set of principles and models that explain. In light of these considerations, the objectives to be achieved with this reflection, result in consideration of the philosophical status of the transition from the unobservability observability and value the concept of unobservability beyond that of observability based on some theories Disclosure of the immateriality or intangibility in accounting. This is done to the methodology based on a qualitative paradigm, analyzing content and depth of theories concerning the observability and immateriality. The main conclusion is synthesized in which accounting has been subject to an ongoing process of composition, performance and construction, under which it has had to go beyond what is observable to the unobservable.
Key words: status, philosophy, theories, accounting, observability, intangibility.
Palabras clave
Estatus; filosofía; teorías; contabilidad; observabilidad; intangibilidad; status; philosophy; theories; accounting; observability; intangibility.
Texto completo:
PDFP-ISSN 1317-8822 E-ISSN 2477-9547
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53766/VIGEREN
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