Competencias individuales y el currículo universitario ante el reto del desarrollo endógeno
La universidad, como generadora y difusora del conocimiento, debe jugar un rol protagónico en el desarrollo económico del país, siendo el Desarrollo Endógeno (DE) una de las alternativas para lograrlo, se considera importante indagar el cómo vincular éste con el currículo universitario. El estudio que originó el presente artículo se centró en identificar las competencias individuales necesarias para que se lidere efectivamente el DE y a partir de las mismas, generar una propuesta metodológica para plantear un diseño curricular orientado al DE. El enfoque metodológico en la primera fase, documental, consistió en identificar el deber ser del individuo en el DE; en la segunda fase, de campo, se validaron mediante entrevistas y la técnica del panel de expertos, las responsabilidades, retos y comportamientos obtenidos de la revisión documental y; la tercera fase, la propuesta, sustentada en la metodología de Tobón (2006), en tres etapas: identificación y normalización de competencias, identificación de nodos problematizadores y diseño de la ruta del proyecto formativo. Entre los resultados de la investigación se obtuvo que los roles de un líder del DE son: habilitador, coordinador, gestor de cambios, líder institucional y emprendedor; las competencias genéricas del perfil son: iniciativa, orientación al logro, razonamiento estratégico, comunicación, flexibilidad, liderazgo para el cambio, trabajo en equipo, construcción de relaciones, orientación al cliente, sensibilidad interpersonal, desarrollo de personas y empoderamiento de la gente. Como conclusión, la propuesta metodológica para un diseño curricular orientado al DE pretende afianzar los saberes esenciales relacionados con los elementos de las competencias genéricas, a través de dos ejes: administrativo y gerencial.
Palabras clave:desarrollo endógeno, competencias genéricas, diseño curricular.
Individual competences and the university curriculum before the challenge of the endogenous
The university, since generating and diffusive of the knowledge, must play a leading role in the economic development of the country, being the Endogenous Development (ED) one of the alternatives to achieve it, it is considered important to investigate how this one to link with the university curriculum. The study that originated the present article I centre in identifying the individual necessary competitions in order that the ED is led really and from the same ones, to generate a methodological offer to raise a curriculum development orientated to the ED. The methodological approach in the first phase, documentary, it consisted of identifying the duty of belonging to the individual in the ED; in the second phase, of field, there were validated by means of interviews and the technology of the experts’ panel the responsibilities, challenges and behaviors obtained of the documentary review and; the third phase, the offer, sustained in the methodology of Tobón (2006), in three stages: identification and normalization of competitions, identification of nodes problematizadores and design of the route of the formative project. Between the results of the investigation there was obtained that the roles of a leader of the ED they are: outfitter, coordinator, manager of changes, institutional and enterprising leader; the generic competitions of the profile are: initiative, orientation to the achievement, strategic reasoning, communication, flexibility, leadership for the change, teamwork, construction of relations, orientation to the client, interpersonal sensibility, persons’ development and empoderamiento of the people. As conclusion, the methodological offer for a curriculum development orientated to the ED It tries to guarantee the essential saberes related to the elements of the generic competitions, across two axes: administrative and managerial.
Key words: endogenous development, generic competitions, curriculum development.
Palabras clave:desarrollo endógeno, competencias genéricas, diseño curricular.
Individual competences and the university curriculum before the challenge of the endogenous
The university, since generating and diffusive of the knowledge, must play a leading role in the economic development of the country, being the Endogenous Development (ED) one of the alternatives to achieve it, it is considered important to investigate how this one to link with the university curriculum. The study that originated the present article I centre in identifying the individual necessary competitions in order that the ED is led really and from the same ones, to generate a methodological offer to raise a curriculum development orientated to the ED. The methodological approach in the first phase, documentary, it consisted of identifying the duty of belonging to the individual in the ED; in the second phase, of field, there were validated by means of interviews and the technology of the experts’ panel the responsibilities, challenges and behaviors obtained of the documentary review and; the third phase, the offer, sustained in the methodology of Tobón (2006), in three stages: identification and normalization of competitions, identification of nodes problematizadores and design of the route of the formative project. Between the results of the investigation there was obtained that the roles of a leader of the ED they are: outfitter, coordinator, manager of changes, institutional and enterprising leader; the generic competitions of the profile are: initiative, orientation to the achievement, strategic reasoning, communication, flexibility, leadership for the change, teamwork, construction of relations, orientation to the client, interpersonal sensibility, persons’ development and empoderamiento of the people. As conclusion, the methodological offer for a curriculum development orientated to the ED It tries to guarantee the essential saberes related to the elements of the generic competitions, across two axes: administrative and managerial.
Key words: endogenous development, generic competitions, curriculum development.
Palabras clave
Desarrollo endógeno; competencias genéricas; diseño curricular; endogenous development; generic competitions; curriculum development.
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PDFP-ISSN 1317-8822 E-ISSN 2477-9547
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