El nombre de Venezuela y la venezolanidad
Palabras claves: Veneci-uela, peña, paraujanos, añú
The Venezuelan name and the Venezolanity
In 1499 was made the discovery of Maracaibo Lake by Alonso de Ojeda, who was in the place along with Juan de La Cosa and Amerigo Vespucci. During the time in the place they were in touch with the Indians, and could noticed a small island -they called “peña” (rock)- where it was located a village named Veneci-uela. This name was registrated on a map designed by de La Cosa in 1499 (fi nished in 1500), and also on the book written by Martín Fernández de
Enciso in 1502 (edited in 1519), at the moment he was partner of Ojeda and de La Cosa, whom he traveled with between that year and 1510, date of de La Cosa’s death. Th e origanility of these documents was tested and proved by
Spaniards experts at the end of the 20th century. Th erefore, it is more than probable that the word Venezuela comes from voices of the Paraujano people, who talked in Añú language.
Key words: Veneci-uela, rock, paraujanos, añú
Palabras clave
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