Comprensión del adolescente obeso: una aproximación a partir del uso de técnicas etnográficas.
Understanding the obese adolescent: an approach from the use of ethnographic techniques
The objective of the research was to explore the causes, perceptions and implications of obesity in three obese adolescents from a public institution, in Mérida, Venezuela. Methodology: qualitative study, case study type, using ethnographic techniques. Semi-structured interviews were carried out, which were applied weekly. The analysis was made simultaneously with the collection of the information. Open and subsequently axial coding was performed, identifying codes and categories, privileging the information that was repeated in different interviews, as well as the exceptional data. Subsequently, the categories that emerged in the analysis were triangulated. Results: The categories of analysis identified were: "Causes of obesity, as a multifaceted condition and difficult to resolve"; "Perception of obesity, feelings generated and the fact of feeling like a shameful and vulnerable subject", "Social implication of obesity, in terms of intimidation and the possession of fragile social relationships", and "Adolescent behavior in relation to the pattern diet and physical activity ”, which taking into account the multifaceted causes of obesity, based on emotional overfeeding and physical inactivity, allow defining obesity in adolescents, as being linked to stress of family and school origin. Conclusions: It was found that the three adolescents interviewed, framed their beliefs, eating habits, stigmas and perception about obesity, in aspects of an emotional nature, establishing, on the one hand, a causal relationship based on inheritance; and on the other, the influence of environmental factors of a family and school nature.
Palabras clave
Texto completo:
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