Gendün Chöphel: erudito iconoclasta y polifacético del siglo XX.
El artículo expone brevemente algunos aspectos de la vida y obra de uno de los intelectuales tibetanos más importantes y polifacéticos del siglo XX: el famoso monje tibetano Gendün Chöphel, quien hizo aportes fundamentales en muchos campos del saber, que comprenden la fi losofía budista Madhyamaka, la historia del Tíbet, las artes —incluyendo la pintura y la poesía—, la ciencia y la política.
Palabras clave
Texto completo:
Benpa, C. (2010). A Comparative Study of the Artistic Creation of two Modern Artists of Tibet, Gendün Chöphel and Amdo Champa. Journal of Tibet University. 4.
Cabezón, J. I. & Geshe Lobsang Dargyay (2007). Freedom from extremes: Gorampa’s “Distinguishing the Views” and the polemics of emptiness. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
Capra, F. (1975). The Tao of Physic. Boulder: Shambhala.
Capriles, E. (2005; 2ª ed. 2006). Introduction. En Chöphel, G. (2005; 2ª ed. 2006).
An Ornament of the Th ouhgt of Nagarjuna Clarifying the Core of Madhyamaka (traducido por Pema Wangjié y Jean Mulligan con introducción de Elías Capriles). Arcidosso GR: Shang Shung Edizioni.
Capriles, E. (2013). The Beyond Mind Papers: Transpersonal and Metatranspersonal Theory (4 volúmenes). Nevada City, CA, EE.UU.: Blue Dolphin Publishing.
Capriles, E. (en prensa). Introductory Study. En Chöphel, G. & Capriles, E. (en prensa). Gendün Chöphel’s Madhyamaka: Ascertaining the Prasangika Madhyamaka view (a Nyingmapa interpretation). A revised version of the translation of Gendün Chöphel’s Ornament of the thought of Nagarjuna with an Introductory Study on the defi nitive meaning ofMadhyamaka, its development and its subschools in India and Tibet, and a commentary on Gendün Chöphel’s work (E. Capriles, Introductory Study, Commentary and Notes; P. Wangjié
& J. Mulligan, Trans.). Arcidosso, GR, Italy: Shang Shung Edizioni.
Chöphel, G. (1978). The White Annals (traducido por Samten Norboo). Dharamsala, H.P., India: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives.
Chöphel, G. (1985). Dhammapada. Translation of the Dharma Verses with the Tibetan Text. Emeryville: Dharma Publishing.
Chöphel, G. (1992). Tibetan Arts of Love: Sex, Orgasm and Spiritual Healing (traducción y adaptación de Jeff rey Hopkins). Ithaca NY: Snow Lion Publications.
Chöphel, G. (2000). Th e Guide to India. A Tibetan Account. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives.
Chöphel, G. (2005; 2ª ed. 2006). An Ornament of the Th ouhgt of Nagarjuna Clarifying the Core of Madhyamaka (traducido por Pema Wangjié y Jean Mulligan con introducción de Elías Capriles). Arcidosso, GR, Italia: Shang Shung Edizioni.
Chöphel, G. (2009). In the Forest of Faded Wisdom: 104 Poems by Gendun Choephel, a Bilingual Edition (editado y traducido por Donald S. Lopez Jr.). Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Chöphel, G. (2013) Grains of Gold. Tales of a Cosmpolitan Traveler (traducido por Thupten Jinpa y Donald S. Lopez, Jr.) Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Chöphel, G. & Capriles, E. (en prensa). Gendün Chöphel’s Madhyamaka: Ascertaining the Prasangika Madhyamaka view (a Nyingmapa interpretation).A revised version of the translation of Gendün Chöphel’s Ornament of the Thought of Nagarjuna with an Introductory Study on the defi nitive meaning of Madhyamaka, its development and its subschools in India and Tibet, and a commentary on Gendün Chöphel’s work (E. Capriles, Introductory Study, Commentary and Notes; P. Wangjié & J. Mulligan, traductores.). Arcidosso,
GR, Italy: Shang Shung Edizioni.
Duojie P. y Bailun D. (2009). A Tentative Study of the Relationship of Gendul Chopel and Tibetan Revolutionary Party. Journal of Tibet University.
Gö Lotsawa Zhönnupel (’Gos Lo-tsa-ba gZhon-nu-dpal; traducción inglesa atribuida a G. N. Roerich pero hecha por Gendün Chöphel) (2d English Ed., 1976). The Blue Annals. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.
Harris, C. (2013). In and Out of Place: Tibetan Artists’ Travels in the Contemporary Art World en Namakura, F., Perkins, M., y Krischer, O. Asia Through Art and Antropology: Cultural Translation Across Borders, Londres/Nueva York:
Hesel, E. (2000). Die Welt hat mich trunken gemacht- Die Lebens- geschichte des Amdo Gendün Chöpel. Berlín.
Höfer, R. (2011). Stategies of Global Communication. Contemporary Tibetan Art and the West en:
Huber, T. (2000). Introduction en Chöphel, G. (2000). Th e Guide to India. A Tibetan Account. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works & Archives.
Lopez Jr., D. (2006) Th e Madman’s Middle Way. Refl ections on Reality of the Tibetan Monk Gendun Chöphel. Chicago and London: Th e University of Chicago Press.
Namkhai Norbu, Chögyal (1996). Drung, deu e Bön. Le narrazioni, I linguaggi simbolici e il Bön nell’antico Tibet (Drung, deu and Bön: The narratives, the symbolic languages and Bön in ancient Tibet). Arcidosso, GR, Italy: Shang Shung Edizioni.
Namkhai Norbu, Chögyal (1997; A. Clemente, ed.). La collana di zi (The necklace of zi). Arcidosso, GR, Italy: Shang Shung Edizioni.
Namkhai Norbu, Chögyal (2004). Th e necklace of zi: On the History and Culture of Tibet. Arcidosso, GR, Italy: Shang Shung Edizioni. (Hay una edición más antigua publicada por la Library of Tibetan Works and Archives en Dharamsala, India. La presente edición es la traducción inglesa de la versión
italiana de 1997).
Namkhai Norbu, Chögyal (2009). Th e Light of Kailash. A History of Zhang Zhung and Tibet. Volume one. Th e Early Period. Arcidosso, GR, Italy: Shang Shung Publications.
Namkhai Norbu, Chögyal (2013). Th e Light of Kailash. A History of Zhang Zhung and Tibet. Volume two. Th e Intermediate Period. Arcidosso, GR, Italy: Shang Shung Publications.
Ricard, M., & Th uan, T.X. (2004). Th e Quantum and the Lotus: A Journey to the Frontiers where Science and Buddhism Meet. Nueva York: Random House Inc.
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Tsering, T. (2006). Th e Story of a Monk Wanderer, Part 2. Th e life, the Literature and the Revolution of Amdo Gendun Chopel”, en:
Tsewang, T. (2007). The Beginning of the Modern Tibetan Fine Arts: Gendun Chopel and his Painting Works, Tibetan Studies. 4.
Stoddard, H. (1985). Le mendiant de l’Amdo (Recherches sur la Haute Asie). Paris: Societe d’ethnographie.
Wangjié, P. y Jean Mulligan (2005, 2d. ed. 2006). Translators Foreword en Chöphel, G. (2d. ed. 2006). Clarifying the core of Madhyamaka: Ornament of the thought of Nagarjuna. Arcidosso, GR, Italy: Shang Shung Publications.
Watts, A. (1973). Th e Book. On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. Londres: Abacus.
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