Supervivencia y celebración del libro: la experiencia cartonera
El objetivo de este artículo es informar sobre las actividades desarrolladas por las cartoneras, “editoras” alternativas y artesanales vinculadas a grupos que autorregulan y gestionan la creación artesanal de libros fotocopiados ycon tapas de cartón coloreados a mano. Estas editoriales, con una estructura de gastos mínimos, se han expandido por toda América Latina, contando en la actualidad con más de setenta cartoneras. Los resultados de esta iniciativademuestran que la experiencia cartonera recupera el objeto libro, pero incorporándole connotaciones sociales y ecológicas que lo introducen, conotros matices, en el siglo XXI.
The aim of this paper is to inform about the activities developed by the carton editorials; alternative and traditional editorials connected to groups that auto regulate and manage the traditional creation of copied books andcarton hand colored covers. These editorials, with a minimum of expensesstructure, have been expanded for all Latin America, becoming at presentin more than seventy carton editorials. The results of this initiative showthat the carton editorial’s experience recovers the book, but adding socialand ecological connotations which introduce them with other shades in theXXI century.
Survival and celebration of the book: the carton editorial’s experience
AbstractThe aim of this paper is to inform about the activities developed by the carton editorials; alternative and traditional editorials connected to groups that auto regulate and manage the traditional creation of copied books andcarton hand colored covers. These editorials, with a minimum of expensesstructure, have been expanded for all Latin America, becoming at presentin more than seventy carton editorials. The results of this initiative showthat the carton editorial’s experience recovers the book, but adding socialand ecological connotations which introduce them with other shades in theXXI century.
Palabras clave
Cartoneras; libro; editorial; lectura; Carton editorials; book; editorials; reading
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