Propuesta de alfabetización académica para estudiantes de Comunicación Social
Desde su ingreso a la universidad, el alumnado debe relacionarse con una nueva cultura discursiva (Carlino, 2003a). El éxito o el fracaso durante este nuevo proceso de formación dependerá de su capacidad para interpretar y producir textos propios en determinado campo disciplinar; una tarea para la cual, por lo general, no dispone de una preparación previa ni de un acompañamiento adecuado. A partir de este compromiso de mediación, desde el enfoque de la investigación-acción, se desarrolló una propuesta de alfabetización académica dirigida a formar a un grupo de estudiantes universitarios durante los procesos de lectura y escritura vinculados a la construcción de sus proyectos de memoria de grado, así como en la difusión oral y escrita de sus primeros resultados de investigación.
They summarize From his revenue to the university, the student body mustrelate to a new discursive culture (Carlino, 2003a). The success or the failureduring this new process of formation will depend on his aptitude to interpretand produce own texts in certain field to discipline; a task for which,in general, he has a previous preparation nor of a suitable accompaniment.From this commitment of mediation, from the approach of the investigation-action, there developed an offer of academic literacy directed toforming a group of university students during the processes of reading andwriting linked to the construction of his projects of memory of degree, aswell as in the oral and written diffusion of his first results of investigation.
They summarize From his revenue to the university, the student body mustrelate to a new discursive culture (Carlino, 2003a). The success or the failureduring this new process of formation will depend on his aptitude to interpretand produce own texts in certain field to discipline; a task for which,in general, he has a previous preparation nor of a suitable accompaniment.From this commitment of mediation, from the approach of the investigation-action, there developed an offer of academic literacy directed toforming a group of university students during the processes of reading andwriting linked to the construction of his projects of memory of degree, aswell as in the oral and written diffusion of his first results of investigation.
Palabras clave
Alfabetización académica; memoria de grado; artículo científico; academic Literacy; memory of degree; scientific article
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