Cell encapsulation using chitosan: chemical aspects and applications
In this work, the main approaches for the preparation of encapsulating matrices using chitosan-containing formulations have been reviewed. Various methodologies have been considered, such as physical intermolecular bonds and chemical cross-linking reactions, including the click reactions which have become novel in the cross-linking of systems containing this biopo-lymer. Likewise, the formation of different macroscopic assemblies such as spheroids, vesicles, layer by layer polycomplexes, etc., has been addressed. In the final part of the work, the main achievements reported with these matrices in the encapsulation of cells, both eukaryotic and prokaryotic, are discussed, emphasizing their potential applications and perspectives in different fields as medicine (treatment of traumatic diseases, diabetes, venous diseases, tissue regeneration, transplantation and toler-ance); food (administration of probiotics); industrial applications (bioethanol production); etc.
Recibido: 07/10/2021
Revisado: 14/11/2021
Aceptado: 03/12/2021
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Texto completo:
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