El fascismo en el poder
Palabras clave
Texto completo:
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Ambedkar, B. R. (1979-2014). Babasaheb Ambedkar: Writings and Speeches. Mumbay, India: Education Department, Government of Maharashtra. (Reedición: Dr. Ambedkar Foundation: 2014).
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Godse, N. (1993). Why I Assassinated Mahatma Gandhi. Delhi: Surya Bharti Prakashan.
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Jaul, Nicolas (2006). Learning the use of symbolic means: Dalits, Ambedkar statues and the state in Uttar Pradesh. .s.) 40, 2 (2006) SAGE Publications New Delhi/Thousand Oaks/London DOI: 10.1177/0069966706040
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Kulnarki, Pavan (2017). History Shows How Patriotic the RSS Really Is. The Wire, 17 de abril de 2017. En https://thewire.in/124685/rss-hindutva-nationalism).
Kumar, Kuldep (2016). A Short History of the RSS and BJP’s Double Standard on Sedition. Te Wire, 17 de agosto. En https://thewire.in/59619/a-shorthistory-of-the-rss-and-bjps-double-standard-on-sedition/
Roy, A. (2014a). T e doctor and the saint. En Ambedkar, B. R. (2014). The annihilation of caste. London & Brooklin, Verso (ed. Original: Nueva Delhi: Navayana Publishing Pvt Ltd 2014).
Roy, A. (2014b). Edited extract from Roy, A. (2014a). The Australian 29 de marzo de 2014. En http://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/review/arundhati-royspreface-to-br-ambedkars-annihilation-of-caste/news-story/8f7eb291a6e916ee686e098466cf16e7
PTI News Service (1955). Citado en Zelliot (2013, p. 193).
Zelliot, Eleanor (2013). Ambedkar’s world: the making of Babasaheb and the dalit movement. New Delhi: Navayana Publishing, 2013. Citado en Roy (2014a). http://www.theaustralian.com.au/arts/review/arundhati-roys-preface-to-brambedkars-annihilation-of-caste/news-story/8f7eb291a6e916ee686e0984
DOI: https://doi.org/10.53766/HumSur |