“Grammar of Patriarchy”: Women and Elections in Kenya

Maina wa Mũtonya


The Kenyan general elections of 2017 registered a marked improvement from the 2013 elections in the number of women elected to serve in different capacities. The elections saw the first ever women governors and senators emerge victorious from positions that were previously held by men only in 2013. This paper attempts to understand the grammar of patriarchy that stands in the way of women participation and engagement with elections. Drawing examples from recent events, the research argues that cultural traditions and the attendant stereotypes as well as the media perpetuate the patriarchal discourse that will have an overall effect on participation of women in politics.

Palabras clave

Mujeres; elecciones; patriarcado; medios de comunicación de Kenia; sexismo.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.53766/HumSur 
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