Adults only or pets welcome: use of anglicisms in the tourist domain in spanish digital press

Carmen Luján-García


This paper focuses on the increasing presence of Anglicisms in Spanish in the particular field of tourism. The evolution of the tourist industry has allowed the democratization of this sector and the constant penetration of anglicisms in Spanish. This study, firstly, aims at examining the use of anglicisms in eight different Spanish online media using the search tool 'Observatorio Lázaro.' It documents using a sample of Anglicisms with real examples in context. The findings reveal the noticeable use of English borrowings to designate various tourist-related concepts. Secondly, a deeper analysis sheds light on the frequency of use of the examined anglicisms, the types of anglicisms according to different semantic sub-fields, and the pragmatic functions of the sample. In terms of specialization of the sample, some of the words are midway between specialized terminology and semi-specialized vocabulary due to the increasing tendency to use this kind of vocabulary by frequent travelers.

Received: 07/04/23, Acepted: 22/06/2023

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