Hacia una ciencia administrativa política hoy
La tradición investigativa positivista en la Administración ha consolidado el abordaje tecnocéntrico y pragmático como se ha desarrollado este saber. Ello refleja la naturaleza restauradora del conocimiento generado para consolidar el orden hegemónico económico a nivel mundial y en especial en la región latinoamericana, asunto al que han contribuido los centros de investigación y en especial las universidades. Nos proponemos en este estudio develar los quiebres epistemológicos que emergen de la política de la Administración para adentrarnos en el desarrollo inicial de una Ciencia Administrativa Política. La ruptura del equilibrio ecológico, la sustentabilidad de la vida en el planeta y la viabilidad del proyecto civilizatorio humano conforman un nuevo horizonte de pensabilidad de este saber que urge develar, toda vez que esta ciencia se ocupa de la organización humana para el trabajo socioproductivo y está en la base de la relación de los seres humanos entre sí y de éstos con la naturaleza. Esta propuesta investigativa, basa su elaboración en un proceso de análisis de data proveniente de diversas fuentes sobre información empírica y teórico- documental, base sobre la cual nos adentramos en un proceso de construcción de significados a través de sucesivos estadios de naturaleza inductivo-interpretativodeductivo-comprensivo. La indagación en tanto proceso de construcción de significados, se constituye en los momentos de exploración, problematización, analítico-interpretativo, comprensivo y propositivo, momentos que son recurrentes y concomitantes a lo largo del proceso indagatorio y confluyen en la tesis que proponemos en este informe. La tesis que sostenemos es que la Ciencia Administrativa Política plantea resignificar un territorio teórico a partir de la reconstrucción de sus supuestos disciplinares para construir una visión de este saber articulada a la situación histórica concreta y ecopolítica contemporánea que la dote de un nuevo sentido.
Towards an administrative science political today
Positivist research tradition in the Administration has consolidated the technocentric and pragmatic approach as this knowledge has been developed. This reflects the restorative nature of the knowledge generated to consolidate the economic hegemonic order worldwide especially in the Latin American region, subject to which contributed research centers and especially universities. We propose in this study to unveil the epistemological breakthroughs that emerge from the Administration’s politics to get in the initial development of a Political Science Administrative. Rupture of the ecological balance, the sustainability of life on the planet and human civilization project feasibility form a new horizon of pensability of this knowing that urges unveil, since this science deals with the human organization for socioproductive work and is based on the relationship of humans between them and with nature. This research proposal is based on a process of data analysis coming from various sources on theoretical-documental and empirical information base on which we enter into a process of construction of meanings in successive stages of inductive deductive-interpretative nature. The inquiry as long as the process of construction of meanings, is at times of exploration, questioning, interpretative enterprising, moments that are recurring and concomitant of the process and converge in the thesis we propose in this report. The thesis we have is the Political Administrative Science poses reassert a theoretical territory rebuilding their assumptions discipline to build a vision of this knowledge articulated to the historical situatio
Towards an administrative science political today
Positivist research tradition in the Administration has consolidated the technocentric and pragmatic approach as this knowledge has been developed. This reflects the restorative nature of the knowledge generated to consolidate the economic hegemonic order worldwide especially in the Latin American region, subject to which contributed research centers and especially universities. We propose in this study to unveil the epistemological breakthroughs that emerge from the Administration’s politics to get in the initial development of a Political Science Administrative. Rupture of the ecological balance, the sustainability of life on the planet and human civilization project feasibility form a new horizon of pensability of this knowing that urges unveil, since this science deals with the human organization for socioproductive work and is based on the relationship of humans between them and with nature. This research proposal is based on a process of data analysis coming from various sources on theoretical-documental and empirical information base on which we enter into a process of construction of meanings in successive stages of inductive deductive-interpretative nature. The inquiry as long as the process of construction of meanings, is at times of exploration, questioning, interpretative enterprising, moments that are recurring and concomitant of the process and converge in the thesis we propose in this report. The thesis we have is the Political Administrative Science poses reassert a theoretical territory rebuilding their assumptions discipline to build a vision of this knowledge articulated to the historical situatio
Palabras clave
Ciencia Administrativa Política; conocimiento; Political Administrative Science; knowledge
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